
IT’S NOT WORKING ANYMORE! More than once I have had someone in my community say this to me in distress. They feel like people don’t engage with their content, so what’s the point of trying to post on social media anyway? I mean, if it’s not doing anything to bring you more clients, then why bother, right? So frustrating! I wanted to share some of the reasons why your content doesn’t work anymore to save you from spinning your wheels. 

3 Reasons Why Your Content Doesn’t Work Anymore

1 – You make yourself a slave to social media

Maybe you find yourself saying “I don’t have time” or “I need to unplug.” Maybe you feel like social media is intrusive to the rest of your life. Let me tell you this: Don’t buy into the Insta-craze-lie. The truth is Social media is a tool, just like a hammer.

I’m assuming that you don’t walk around the house and drive around town with a hammer in your pocket, do you? Pick up the kids from school with your hammer on your dashboard, place the hammer on your grocery cart, on your laps at the doctor’s office, and on the kitchen table while you’re having dinner with the fam.

Yes, it sounds ridiculous. But that’s exactly what you’re doing with social media: carrying it around everywhere. No wonder you don’t have time for anything! The average person spends almost two hours a day on social media (meaning some people spend more). That’s 10 – 14 hours a week! No wonder it feels intrusive! 

Instead, plan time for social media just like with anything else. If you go back to the hammer example, if there is a job to be done in the house, you go and get the hammer from the garage, do the job, and put it back. Schedule the time you are on social media in your calendar. This can be time for uploading your posts in batches, going into selected groups for networking, and engaging with your own community. 

2 – You treat content like a roulette machine

If you’re falling for the “I don’t know what to share” trap, this is for you.

Here’s your mistake: you thought you should only post content when you had an epiphany for awesome content or that you were actually responsible for finding great ideas. Wrong!  Girl, no wonder you feel so much pressure and in the end creating content doesn’t feel organic nor authentic.

It’s not about chance and mood but all about strategy! Create a database of your content so you know what you have, the offers they lead to, the content upgrades you created.  When you are in different seasons of promoting and nourishing, you know at a glance what you have and what you can repurpose. 

3 – You’re looking for the golden ticket

If you find yourself thinking “it feels pointless” then hear me out.

Trust me on this one:

  • You will not get results if you’re consistent for 1 week! Content marketing is a long term game and there’s no overnight success.
  • If you thought you could hit 6-figures just by sharing 1 epic post, well, it’s time to wake up and smell the roses, cause it ain’t happening. 
  • If posting great content that engages your audience seems nearly impossible for you, then I want to help you. Because it really doesn’t have to be this way.

This is just the reality. Even the stories you hear of “overnight success” really took time. Your audience needs to get to know you, like you, and trust you. As with any relationship that all takes more than one post or even a week of posts.  Remember your content is also establishing you as an expert, so draw on what you know to stay top-of-mind with your readers as the person who can guide them to the solution of their problem. Don’t worry about being repetitive as you do this. 

Stop Googleing for help on reasons why your content doesn’t work anymore. You will just get more confused and a bunch of strategies that may or may not work. If you want to skip the DIY and want to get results fast, like map out your next 90 days of engaging content in just 1 day, book your free call with me or join my Content Creation Made Easy Facebook Community.

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